

tKMailHonArc is a GUI interface for MHonArc to convert KMail folders to HTML.

You have to choose an folder and an output root directory. Subfolders of a folder "FOLDER" can be found at "", whereas "FOLDER" contains the EMails directly stored in that folder. This tree structure will be set up at the output directory, with changed to the directory FOLDER. The whole path will be shown below the output root directory textentry. "mbox"/"maildir" will be shown below the folder textentry. Start will execute MHonDirArc, Exit will just finish the application.


tKMailHonArc is written in Tcl/Tk using tix. The conversion is done through MHonArc.


tKMailHonArc screenshot


tKMailHonArc.tcl, Version 0.1.2, 11555 Bytes


Just set the executable right(s) (chmod). Preferably put the file in a PATH directory.


tKMailHonArc [--outdir <OutputDirectory>] [--rcfile <MHonArcRCfile>] [--maildir <MailDirectory>] [--folder <initialFolderEntry>] [--mozilla] [--version]
will start the application. The command line options are all optional:
--outdir <OutputDirectory>
optional, default: "~"
set output root directory>
--rcfile <MHonArcRCfile>
optional, default: no resource file
call mhonarc to use given resource file
--maildir <MailDirectory>
optional, default: "~/Mail"
set Mail directory
--folder <initialFolderEntry>
optional, default: no initial text
fill folder text entry with initial text
optional, default: KMail mode
Mozilla, Netscape Mail component compatibility mode
optional, default: -
print version


Homepage Martin Bernreuther - Software